Is your website slow loading? Check out the reasons and solutions
The website is slow to load, but the server may be behind it, but sometimes you may find it wrong. Not because of the reasons why not say:
Slow loads because:
1. If the site size is too high:
It is said that the site size should be kept in the maximum 600-700 kb. This is the size of the standard, but due to the use of multiple images on most sites, the site size does not have this limitation. Remember that the site loading time is more than the hands behind.
All pictures of the site need to be compressed. Use this site for It works great. Those who use WordPress, use the WP SMASH plugin.
Also, make use of JavaScript as little as possible on the site. And of course, do the mini files for the Javascript file. It’s very important. The same type applies to CSS files.
To Compress CSS: Use site.
Keep javascript files in the footer, not in the head. If you have more pictures on the site then you must use the lazy loading system.
2. Increase the number of HTTP requests:
If you have 2 pictures on this page and two other images are loaded from the same origin, it will take time if two other origins are loaded but it will take much less time. Because the browser processes 8 to 16 requests simultaneously. So, the exact Origin will be done when the images will load one by one. This means that after taking a picture fully load it will take the other. But if the origin is different then take it alone. Suppose two images take 10 seconds to load if they are on the same server but keeping them on a different server will take 5 seconds.
Imagine the matter! Many people will hear CDN’s name. This work is typed with CDN originally. You do not have to buy a CDN with money. You can create a blog spot site by uploading it to the site and then it becomes a link.
However, remember that the HTTP request number is not more than 45 times.
3. Server Response Time:
This is not very important unless the response time is more than 2 seconds. If it is more than 2 seconds, then tell the service provider that they will take action.
How to check? First, see if your internet speed is 100 kb + It will be seen from You will then need to ping your hosting server to the pipe. To find out the hosting server, go to site by entering your own site address or the hosting provider’s Nemanarveer (site name nameserver) and click whois lookup. It is Blazers Apep. Now type the cmd prompt into your pc
And see Response Time.
Remember that your net speed is 100 kilobytes +
There are many sites online such as Google Insight, if the server response time is high, do not trust the results of these. Because, the server’s OSP Security System (Firewall) has been able to scan search engine spaces or boot requests separately (user request is not a header), and this scanning is done by the firewall system in the server’s OSP because it takes longer Response time will show more. The most effective way to see response times is to ping from the command.
4. Server Locations:
Bangladeshis should use Texas or its adjoining server because the internet gateway in Bangladesh can create data centers very quickly. Many people use the Bangladeshi server to understand that the speed can be found more than the problem is wrong that will accompany the video in front and explain why it is wrong. Many people think that in this case, the speed of the data is less than the distance, it is true, but it is true that brother data is not transferred to the train or the carriage that will take a long time to transfer. The data is transferred to the speed of the data. Then why is the speed difference? The answer to this question is so big that it can not be written. Next time, I will.
Keep in mind that the Netherlands does not use the server or Canada’s.
Let us know what the tutorial looks like. Many who saw the tutorials written in their own name! How long brother! After Facebook, many sites were fake by copying Facebook, they could not survive because there was no intrinsic. Share the link with the text, the human dignity will increase, the other day you will lose the visitor, the title of the thief will be found.
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