Some of the benefits of Android Mobile Root

Android is one of the most customizable OSs. You may think there is no need to Root your device. But you will be surprised to know the advantages of the Root.

Some advantages of the Root:

1. Unlock the Hide feature:

By Root, you can unlock some hidden features. Sometimes your favorite features are not on your device. After the Root, you can add favorite features to your device through various apps. For example – ExposedDownloader.

2. Boost the device’s speed:

By rooting, you can increase the speed of your device. Different apps such as – setcpu With this app, you can boost your device’s speed by closing your device CPU over.

3. Boost battery life:

Another advantage of the Root is that you can boost the battery life of the device. You can also CPU downclock your device with the setcpu app. This will boost your device’s battery life.

4. Add ad in the app:

By Root, you can add ads to the app. Different apps such as AdFree, Adblock Plus, Ad Away – These apps will block the add-ons of your device.

5. Backup:

By Root, you can easily backup your whole system. In addition to the Root, you can back up some apps. However, if you have a Root, you can back up the entire system. In this case, you have to get help from some apps. Eg – Titanium Backup

6. Remove pre-installed apps:

You can delete pre-installed apps on the Root. Besides backing up the Titanium Backup app, you can delete pre-installed apps on your device with the app.

7. Install Custom ROM:

After the Root, you can install another ROM on your device (eg CyanogenMod, Replicant etc.). This will add new features to your device.


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